Conway Album (I'm Not From Baltimore)

By Irma Gail Hatcher

In 1992 Irma Gail Hatcher designed and made her Conway Album (I'm Not From Baltimore) Quilt. Its beautiful design and excellent workmanship were rewarded with the 1992 Founder's Award and a blue ribbon at the A/IQA show in Houston. In 1993 it won blue ribbons in Dallas, Silver Dollar City, and Riverside, CA, and Best of Show at Quilt America! Then in 1994 the quilt became a part of the Museum of the American Quilter's Society in Paducah, Kentucky as it won the purchase award of $10,000 for Best Hand Workmanship.

In 1995 the quilt qualified as a National Quilting Association Masterpiece Quilt making Irma Gail a member of the Master Quilters Guild, an exclusive group with only 23 members as of 2008. And finally Conway Album was named one of the 100 Best American Quilts of the 20th Century at the 1999 Houston Quilt festival and was exhibited with the other 99.

Since the quilt is now owned by MAQS, Irma Gail would like to have her own once again. So she is teaching a class to 11 students who will make the quilt along with her. We feel so fortunate to be under her tutelage. As we finish our blocks some of us will share our work on slide shows on this site. The book Conway Album (I'm Not From Baltimore) Quilt is available for purchase if you are interested in making the quilt. Go to to place an order.

Next: Irma Gail's Conway Album